Animalicious: Whisper Sweet Nothings

 Jeg vil gerne lave en serie akvarel/tegninger af dyr, hvor jeg med et kærligt blik og humor, kan bruge deres udtryk i det vi nok alle kender, at dyr kan afspejle mennesker. Ikke så dyrene bliver humaniseret i skikkelse, men så de, tegnet i realistisk form, spiller roller.

Her min anden Animalicious "Whisper Sweet nothing". Et ret umage par, men den kære hund, forsøger at indynde sig. Katten (som lidt indtager hovedrollen, synes jeg), er vist ikke vildt imponeret.

I would like to make a series of watercolor / drawings of animals, where I with a loving look and humor, can use their expression in what we probably all know, that animals can reflect humans.  Not so that the animals are humanized in form, but so that they, drawn in realistic form, play roles.

 Here's my second Animalicious "Whisper Sweet nothing".  A rather odd couple, but the dear dog, tries to indulge.  The cat (who slightly takes the lead role, I think), is apparently not wildly impressed.

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