Promotion piece

When you read a blog with its chronological structure many pictures just "dissapear" in the structure, as you probably don't read that much backward. In opposition to a homepage with a gallery, where you have more of an overview of the artwork.
So for the blog, I will now and then show an artwork as a promotion of that work.
Here is my colored pencil painting "Grey cat in the window". Cat owners know how cats love to sit in a warm place.
My gray cat, sitting on the windowsill, surrounded by decoration and natural things, 
overlooking the gardens beautiful, colorful flowers. An image with a combination of realism and fantasy. Colored pencils. Prints avaliable size A5 and A4. If interested, see more here: Prints


Når du læser blogs med deres kronologiske opbygning, "forsvinder" mange billeder i den struktur, da du sandsynligvis ikke læser så meget bagud. I modsætning til en hjemmeside med et galleri, hvor du har mere overblik over kunstværkerne.
Så for bloggen, vil jeg nu og da hente et billede frem og promovere det.
Her er mit farveblyants-billede "Grey cat in the window". Katteejere kender til, hvordan katte elsker at sidde et varmt sted.
Min grå kat, siddende i vindueskarmen omgivet af dekorative og naturlige ting, kigger ud  over haven, med smukke, farverige blomster. Et billede som er en kombination af realisme og fantasi. Print sælges i størrelse A5 og A4. Hvis du er interesseret, se mere her: kunsttryk

Barn Owl - Colorful Birds

My new loose watercolor painting "Barn owl I" from the series Colorful birds.
This is painted on watercolor paper.
It has to fit a 25x25 cm mdf-board. I am working on pieces for a show demanding this size. Invited together with 199 other artists from a major local gallery:


Mit nyeste koloristiske akvarelmaleri "Barn owl I" fra serien Colorful birds.
Malet på akvarelpapir.
Det skal passe på en 25x25 cm mdf-plade. Jeg arbejder på billeder til en udstilling, som kræver denne størrelse. Inviteret med 199 andre kunstnere af et stort, lokalt galleri:

One drawing a day


I have a weakness for lines.
Whenever I see illustrators work, those drawings in line, I get thrilled. The line might be mixed with shapes, solid areas and colors, but still the lines being the important bearing part of the piece.

I have a wonderful book "One Drawing a Day" by Veronica Lawlor (includes several illustrators work and exercises). It contains 6 weeks of exploring creativity through different exercises, all to be carried out in a media of line - pencil, pen, ink, charcoal, colored pencil, crayon, and you can then apply colors in watercolor, pastel, oilpastel, colored pencil.

Today I have been sketching with line alone. This excercise is not supposed to bring accurate drawings, but focusing on the objects being drawn, not the drawing itself. It is not about measuring or applying shadow and light. Just these simple, adorable lines (and marks) to depict the object. Those vivid, wavy lines are fantastic.

I am realistic enough to know, that I will not be following the book each day. But it is my intention to do at least 3 days a week. I am sure it will enhance my skills of sketching in this free and loose way - still not the kind of sketching with a lot of measuring and accuracy which I see as quite another excersise.....



Jeg har en svaghed for streger.
Når jeg ser illustrator-tegninger tegnet i streg, bliver jeg begejstret. Stregerne kan blandes med figurer, flade og farver, men hvor stregen stadig er den vigtige bærende del af tegningen.

Jeg har en vidunderlig bog "One Drawing a Day" af Veronica Lawlor (inkluderer flere illustratorer og øvelser). Den indeholder 6 ugers øvelser til at udforske kreativitet, alle skal udføres i et medie med streg - blyant, pen, blæk, kul, farveblyant oliekridt, og du kan derefter anvende farver i akvarel, pastel, oilpastel, farveblyant .

I dag har jeg tegnet med streg alene. Denne øvelse er ikke til at lave nøjagtige tegninger, men at fokusere på de objekter, der tegnes, og ikke selve tegningen. Det handler ikke om at måle eller anvende skygge og lys. Bare disse enkle, yndig streger (og mærker) til at beskrive objektet. De levende, skæve streger er fantastiske.

Jeg er realistisk nok til at vide, at jeg ikke vil følge bogen hver dag. Men det er min hensigt at følge mindst 3 dage om ugen. Jeg er sikker på, det vil forbedre mine færdigheder i skitsering i denne frie og løse stil (stadig ikke den slags skitsering med en masse af måletagning og nøjagtighed, som jeg ser som en helt anden øvelse) ....

Voting in competitions

I have been voting in 2 artwork competitions today, really made me think about "judging artwork".

The competitions are Derwents Art-prize for artwork in pencil (graphite, charcoal, colored pencil) and Ken Bromley Art Supplies Cover Competition.

Very difficult choises - I don't envy the real judges - so many different and fine pieces to enjoy.

I have been looking carefully on all entries. First I look for what strikes me, if I don't find the artwork appealing or interesting I move on to the next one. This issue is very subjective and the reason why one sometimes wonder why This Artwork got the price before That Artwork. We are attracted to different motifs and styles - judges are too.

I then look closer for technical skills. This can be evident in both sketches and more completed work. A sketch and an illustration can be just as skilled, interesting and captivating as a completed work.
I look for technical skills as I admire such very much. I think I see a lot of artwork around that lacks skill. But it cannot stand alone. If the image doesn't capture me by the composition/story itself, a better skilled work might not get my vote.

Not being a real judge, I also think about not just voting for the single piece of an artist. Especially if I find it very hard to place my vote(s). Of cause I do have to place my Peoples choice vote for the actual pieces entered, but sometimes when I look at the artist' gallery/portfolio, it seems this one piece is an exceptional good one. If the majority of the work lacks in quality, I might be holding back my vote. I am a little in doubt if this is fair, but then, I find it less fair if generally better artitst' are not getting my vote... anyway I don't think the real judges in competitions should do so.
In one of the comp. mentioned here, I did favour an excpetional piece of one artist above a more skilled one - as I judge it, looking on their websites.

I wish all participants good luck, and am glad to have made my choise for the Peoples Choise awards :)

Snowy Owl III

My loose watercolor painting "Snowy owl III" from the series Colorful birds.
This is smaller than the others though, and painted on watercolor paper instead of watercolor canvas.
It has to fit a 25x25 cm mdf-board. I am working on pieces for a show demanding this size. Invited together with 199 other artists from a major local gallery:


Mit koloristiske akvarelmaleri "Snowy owl III" fra serien Colorful birds.
Dette er dog smallere end de tidligere og malet på akvarelpapir istedet for akvarel lærred.
Det skal passe på en 25x25 cm mdf-plade. Jeg arbejder på billeder til en udstilling, som kræver denne størrelse. Inviteret med 199 andre kunstnere af et stort, lokalt galleri:

Waterlilly Pond I

Waterlilly Pond I - a colorful and abstractive painting. Watercolors and graphite.

Reading blogs/homepages of fellow artist'

What is happening with art-blogs ?

First I have to confess that I have been following the flow of popularity and therefore look at Facebook pages more than blogs for the last year or so.

And I don't even like using Facebook for showing and viewing artwork. It sucks ! Facebook is nice for quick posts about this and that - also about artwork, and having group-contact - but I like and get much more out of reading and looking at blogs or homepages of the individual artist.

Not that I want to avoid FB - but I want FB to be a guide or pointing arrow to go to blogs and homepages.
So confessing - I've been bad myself ! I sometimes feel writing my blog or updating my homepage are totally useless. But still, I see the statistics that some tenasious readers pay visits.

I promise myself that I will be more around on blogs - leaving comments too.

Keep those blogs and homepages alive!!

Waterlilly pond I

My next project will be for the ArtExpo show. Artworks in november.
All work must be size 25x25 cm.
I go for an abstractive expression of waterlilly pond. I love these beautiful flowers and their fascinating leaves and did several drawings/paintings of them in realism before, look Here.

I've just started initial layers. Colors are a bit dulled on the screen..