Promotion piece

When you read a blog with its chronological structure many pictures just "dissapear" in the structure, as you probably don't read that much backward. In opposition to a homepage with a gallery, where you have more of an overview of the artwork.
So for the blog, I will now and then show an artwork as a promotion of that work.
Here is my colored pencil painting "Grey cat in the window". Cat owners know how cats love to sit in a warm place.
My gray cat, sitting on the windowsill, surrounded by decoration and natural things, 
overlooking the gardens beautiful, colorful flowers. An image with a combination of realism and fantasy. Colored pencils. Prints avaliable size A5 and A4. If interested, see more here: Prints


Når du læser blogs med deres kronologiske opbygning, "forsvinder" mange billeder i den struktur, da du sandsynligvis ikke læser så meget bagud. I modsætning til en hjemmeside med et galleri, hvor du har mere overblik over kunstværkerne.
Så for bloggen, vil jeg nu og da hente et billede frem og promovere det.
Her er mit farveblyants-billede "Grey cat in the window". Katteejere kender til, hvordan katte elsker at sidde et varmt sted.
Min grå kat, siddende i vindueskarmen omgivet af dekorative og naturlige ting, kigger ud  over haven, med smukke, farverige blomster. Et billede som er en kombination af realisme og fantasi. Print sælges i størrelse A5 og A4. Hvis du er interesseret, se mere her: kunsttryk

1 comment:

  1. Lovely drawing and pretty cat Lene. I like how the sunlight makes the silhouette stand out


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