Gentle giants - irish wolfhounds

An update.

This kind of fur takes patience! - but so far one leg finished.


  1. this is certainly turning out to be a 'labour of love' Lene .... but your patience will be rewarded I think - its going to be a fantastic drawing.

  2. Its going to look great when it is finished Lene...a masterpiece for sure.

  3. Looking great Lene. The detail is wow.
    Looking forward to updates on this one.

    Have a great day. Happy drawing.

  4. Very nice. I will be glad when he's not balancing on one leg.

  5. thanks Dors and Jeanne :) Jeanne - I'm working hard to get him on all 4 feets ;D

  6. Have been enjoying watching this one develop Lene it is going to be absolutely beautiful what handsome animals these are! it's a huge amount of work getting in all that lovely detail but you are certainly winning so keep at it, I for one can't wait to see the finished work :-)


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