I have several kinds of pastel papers and wanted to make tests on them.
Just for my own reference, and for both pastels and colored pencils.
I will share it with you though, but please bare in mind, that I have just made small quick tests on each paper involved.
To really test supports, you have to make several finished pieces of artwork, and I did that before on some of the papers. This makes my tests on: Velourpaper, Pastelmat, Fabriane Tiziano and Ingress more proven. But anyway, this test indicates how I feel about all the papers.
The supports I have tested so far are;
Fisher 400
Pastelmat from Clairfontaine
Pastelcard from Sennelier
more to come includes:
Fabriano Tiziano
Canson Ingres
Colorfix Art spectrum
and others
Each paper/support has its own page.
Horizional you read the media tested (pastelpencils, soft pastels etc.), and on the vertical are the category of questions.