Show picture

I didn't get many shots at the opening night at my unions art-associationshow, but here are 3 framed of my 5 drawings/paintings.
I feel very comfortable being part of this - my first ever - artassociationshow.

I had some very nice comments on my work. All shown here.
The show hangs for 2 months, I am thrilled if anything sells. I found the pricing very difficult. Almost all of the other paintings are abstract art, not so comparable in pricing. Looking at the list of artwork, mine are priced in the upper half.


  1. I saw your framed Zebra picture on exhibit at Birmingham last year so I know how striking it looks in real life. Good luck with the show - hope you make a sale or two!

  2. thank you very much Sue - must have been exciting to see the UKCPS exhibition Live ;)


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