Painted - western style. Finished

I finished my Painted - western style. I hope you like it.

Beside the nice colors I also wanted you to get the pleasant feeling of the relaxed walking-pose of the couple

Painted - western style wip

this is how far I got today - still working all areas though.

The title Painted relates to the horsebreed; a Paint, but also to the very colorful suit the westernriding lady wears.

Painted - western style - wip

I really enjoy this, but also realize it is very different to handle than other media I've tried. Details are not that easy to get - even I have some oilpencils. Looking at the scan the work seems a bit more hard-edged to me than the original piece - but even so I probably will go over these areas again in the process.

Painted - western style wip

Due to vacation I have not been drawing or painting for a couple of weeks, but before leaving I started this new painting titled: Painted. This is a whole new media to me; oil pastels. I've had them for years (!) and finally got around to try them out for more than the simple doodles I did so far. They are not like other media I know off - but resamples mostly dry pastels if any - and yet - very different.
Support: dark grey Fabriano Tiziano. I took the ref photo at a western horsebackriding show. This particular lady looked awesome in her very pink suit, and I found this closeup cut - focusing on the pink suit and the painted horse colors, was nice. The background will be left as the grey paper