Painted - western style - wip

I really enjoy this, but also realize it is very different to handle than other media I've tried. Details are not that easy to get - even I have some oilpencils. Looking at the scan the work seems a bit more hard-edged to me than the original piece - but even so I probably will go over these areas again in the process.


  1. Oh Lene this is looking great and so different from your work previously.
    I can't wait to see how this looks when finished.
    I know it will be a masterpiece.

    Hope you have had a wonderful vacation.

  2. thank you Dors. I enjoy using the oilpastels even they are very different from my usual medias.

  3. Very interesting, I thing you might like some of my paintings here:

    Just as you I show the process of painting step by step.

  4. Very interesting, I thing you might like some of my paintings here:

    Just as you I show the process of painting step by step.


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