Prints and a Competition for you

I can now offer my european customers prints sold directly from me.

They are b/w prints, with handwritten signature and title.

For much more information, images etc. take a look here

Notice that I have an introduction price in all of april.

I also want to celebrate this new possibility with a competition.

As I want to extend my graphite print-gallery with images that you want, it would be of great help, if you mailed me what animal you love; what you would like to see. All kinds of animals will do.
And of cause, this is without any commitments.

You can win a print of your choise from the print-page. Or you can win a print of the drawing that wins!
Just send me a mail
In subjectline write: Leneprint
And fill in:
Your favorite animal
Your name and adress

Send in before May 1. where the competition ends.

the winner will be announced here and on Facebook. And the animal will be drawn to be in the gallery.

I will draw more of your favorite animals of cause! I look forward to recieve your wish.

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