Natur historisk illustration - Natural history illustration

Jeg tilbyder freelance illustration af zoologiske og botaniske illustrationer - for at gøre din bog, folder, skilt, label, webside, dit magasin etc flot og informativt.

I offer freelance illustration of zoological and botanical illustration to make your book, magazine, folder, sign, label, website etc. appear beautiful and informative.

Mothers day - spoil her

Nice stuff - lots of items from household items to apparel and a lot in between :) Just make a choise to spoil your mom with her favorite dogbreed printed.

Take a look at the many possibilites to make Mothers Day a happy day: - special offers: 
4/29-4/30: 25% Off Everything With Code ART4MOM 
5/2-5/3: Mother's Day Sale With Code: MOMGIFTS (Details: 40% Off Art Prints + Framed Prints, 30% Off Carry-All Pouches + Mugs, 20% Off Everything Else)

5/4-5/6: Free shipping, use code: SHIP2ME

Remember: Mothers day is May - get the gift in time <3 font="">

Just to show a couple of gifts, there's a whole lot more :)

Hvilke hunde - Kongepudel sort

Tidligere spurgte jeg her på bloggen og på doggyshop facebook hvilke hunderacer I savner på mine Doggyshops.

På facebook fik jeg 2 svar, begge på kongepudler, i henholdsvis abrikos og i sort pels.

Her er så nr. 2 tuschtegning, af den sorte storpuddel :)

New painting - lotus wip

Pencil start on canvas. A new 60x80 cm pencil/watercolor drawing of plant and flower.

  • It will be in the same style as my Anthurium painting 😊

Hvilke hunde?

Tidligere spurgte jeg her på bloggen og på doggyshop facebook hvilke hunderacer I savner på mine Doggyshops.

På facebook fik jeg 2 svar, begge på kongepudler, i henholdsvis abrikos og i sort pels.

Her er min første tuschtegning, af den abrikosfarvede storpuddel :)

Natural history illustration course

Today I have enrolled in a NH illustration course online - the course NHI 101 is offered from Newcastle X, Australia.
If you follow my work, you will know that I already love to draw animals and plants, and with this course I hope to get knowledge of the more scientific approach of NHI.

I'll keep you posted here :)

Here is a Pelican I made in 2017. Graphite and watercolors. I guess this is my style to be developed :)

Udstilling Kildevang

Jeg har netop hængt billeder op på Mårslet Lokalcenter, hvor Stiplet kunstgruppes medlemmer skiftes til at udstille. Billederne hænger knap en måned denne gang. 

Which dogs ?

Which dogs? List of dogbreeds currently avaliable in my  Doggyshops. Did you visit and miss a dog design?

Hvilke hunde? Liste over nuværende hunderacer i mine Doggyshops. Bemærk: i engelsk  alfabetisk rækkefølge. Har du besøgt siderne og manglet et hundedesign ?

Mothers day around the corner

Yeepee.....the Spring Sale is extended for today. Chance to save Big Time 🐶🐶 Think Mothers Day coming up in a month 

Where to get the gorgeous goods

I love to add new stuff to my shops - here the latest dogs: doberman and whippet - aren't they gorgeous on mugs? Of cause you can get them on multiple goods.

Doggyshop Society6 and Redbubble (lots of stuff in both and not the same stuff ;)

...and then just a little note about visiting my Doggyshops:

When you land on is advisable to click on COLLECTIONS just beneath the top-banner. Then you can have a better view of all images, sorted out in collections. Choosing a design, will then show you the items to purchase.

When you land on Redbubble you will instantly see my collections on right hand coloumn. Choosing a design from a collection, will then show you the items to purchase.

Beside adding new dog-motifs, I also started doing a little more description on my images. I am not an expert on all dogbreeds, but I gather the info from some of my dog-books. Just for interest, hope you like that. By the way, you can see just above that Society6 shows other stuff with the dog you look at.
I will be writing these describtions in Redbubble too. Hope to see you in Doggyshop <3 p="">


Jeg har tegnet endnu en hund med tusch, og denne gang en whippet i hel figur.

Det er tydeligt, at racen er født til at løbe :)

I have been drawing a new dog with ink, this time a whippet in whole figure.

It's very clear this breed is born to run :)


Så er min doberman i tusch færdig. Øverst kan du se de ting jeg har brugt: tusch, pensler, penneskafter, tuschpenne osv.

Det er flere år siden, jeg har lavet laveringer med tusch, så der var udfordringer. Jeg skal love for, at tusch tørrer hurtigt - og sidder permanent fast ;)

Og så den færdige tegning. Den vil være i mine Doggyshops inden længe :)

Påskeudstillingen 2018

Så er påskeudstillingen 2018 med Stiplet overstået.
Det er nok den bedste af de påskeudstillinger jeg har deltaget i. Fra kl. 11 søndag var der gæster til lukketid mandag. Så dejligt, at der kommer publikum.
Jeg fik også solgt et par billeder og en del kort - det er også med til at gøre det til en god udstilling :)
Derudover socialt samvær med de andre stipler - det er hyggeligt at samles om begivenheden, samt at få besøg af familie og venner.