Dragonfly and waterlilly - wip

Due to having a new kitchen set up in my home, I have not had space, time or the peace to draw.
Even not drawing for many days does makes me very restless, the whole process has been upsetting with delayes, changes and other annoying issues.

Now I have my drawingtable back in place, so even the kitchen is not finnished, I can go back to drawing.

Here is a shot of it :)

Dragonfly and waterlily - wip

I started with colors. Been so long since I worked with those colored pencils. Too long - I enjoy the slow process of layering ☺

Nedsatte tegninger og malerier

Jeg rydder op i tegnestuen og sætter flere tegninger og malerier på udsalg.
Er du interesseret, så skriv via kontaktformularen :)

I am cleaning up in my drawing-room, and several of my drawings/paintings are on sale. If any of them has you interest, you can write to me via the contact-page :)

"Oriental sisters". Stiliseret farveblyantstegning af 3 orientalske valmuer. 21x29,7 cm. De smukke orange-røde blomster gløder imod den blå baggrund. Valmuen er en af mine yndlingsblomster.  Indrammet med passepartout i skifteramme. NU 700 kr.

"Poppies in glass vase". Akvarel og akvarel farveblyanter på lærred. 50x50 cm. Orientalske valmuer er en af ​​mine yndlings blomster. Et farverigt maleri, med spændende linjer, abstraheret og twist med perspektivet. Maleriet er klar til ophængning - malet på dybt akvarellærred. NU 900 kr. + porto

"Nature shapes" I+II. Originale malerier. Tusch og akryl på lærred. 30x30 cm. Små fine billeder med naturelementer malet i en komposition, som en samling af mindre billeder i forskellige formater.  Er indrammet i sølvfarvede svæverammer. NU enkeltvis 350 kr. Samlet I+II= 600 kr. 

"Flower Power". Akvarel på lærred. 50 x 50 cm. Et abstrakt blomsterbillede med masser af akvarellens fortræffelige sammenløb og flotte skarpe kanter. Farverigt og meget at kigge på. NU 450 kr.

"Flowers Gone Wild" I-IV. Akryl. 18 x 24 cm. En serie af abstrakte blomster. De hvide blomster står flot lysende mod den mørke baggrund. Indrammet i sølvfarvede svæverammer. NU 200 kr. pr stk/ samlet 600 kr.

"Blue" 1-2-3. 
Abstrakte malerier på 30x30 cm. Jeg ser space, glober og samspil mellem aktørerne.
Akryl og posca. NU 500 kr. pr. stk og 1300 kr.

"My side of the Moon". Abstrakt, ekspressivt akrylmaleri i kontrastrige farver. 60x80 cm på lærred, indrammet i sølvfarvet svæveramme. NU 1050 kr.

Dragonfly and waterlilly - wip

I am working on a new drawing. You can see my thumbnail at bottom on the ring-bound pad. When doing thumbnail(s) I play around with composition and sometimes values.

Next I scanned and printed the thumbnail (top right), but I found the composition was not as I wanted. This will be a stylized drawing, so I take my artistic freedom to make the flower quite large. I also cut out the dragonfly and moved him around. I finally decided to place him in the opposite side. So final sketch will be the drawing upper left (I think - sometimes I do change bits).

Now I will start transferring the sketch to my drawingpaper. I will draw freehand with just a simple cross of guidelines.


Here is a screenprint from my website. You can see I work in different styles - here explained how I see them and their differences.
If you want to see my artwork:


PencilArtSociety Show online

The show from PAS is online: http://pencilartsociety.com/shows/ipas2017/gallery.html  I am happy to be in this good company of excellent artists. I am a little dissapointed with the format of the gallery, as all artwork in horisontal view is so small...hope the PAS will change this for future shows. But I show you my entry here, to be viewed more closely  "Au revoir Tournesol"