Get one for each day in the week - each of your kids, grandchildren or each of your favorite animal or 5 of your one topfavorite animal ... just go get those beautiful mugs - they are great size, shape and suitable for coffee, tea, water, soda or whatever. They are iressistible
Du kan kigge kvit og frit smile-humørikon - - Mange forskellige motiver giver masser af muligheder for at friske op i værelser, gang, stue osv.
Over the Hills
smile-humørikonOg så er "Ice Age" indrammet. Synes den hvide ramme, supplerer maleriet godt smile-humørikon (der er desværre lidt glas-reflektion på foto).
The second abstracte painting, I painted yesterday is titled "Over the Hills". As I described this painting is also painted without clear direction from start. It showed up to be lovely, round hills :)
And here is "Ice Age" in a frame. I think the white frame supports the painting nicely. (sorry for the reflections on the photo)
Ice Age
Jeg er gået i det abstrakte hjørne :)smile-humørikon
Her "Ice age", det første af 2 jeg har malet samtidigt. Akryl og tusch. 24 x 32 cm på Bamboo papir. Jeg begyndte begge malerier, uden at ane, hvor jeg ville hen og de har ændret sig meget undervejs. På et tidspunkt syntes jeg, der begyndte at danne sig isbjerge og iskold himmel, deraf opstod titlen. Jeg har arbejdet i 3 farver + hvid, guld og sølv. Jeg kan selv godt lide de "vilde" penselstrøg, som tilfører maleriet liv rent tekstur-mæssigt.
Jeg vil indramme maleriet - det kunne for så vidt også opklæbes på et lærred, men jeg har set andre indramme abstrakte malerier og det kan se rigtigt godt ud. Nu må jeg se, rammen kan fjernes hvis jeg ombestemmer mig - opklæbning på lærred er derimod permanent.
ENG: I am in the abstractive corner :)
Title : "Ice Age", the first of 2 paintings I painted simultanious. Acrylics and ink. 24 x 32 cm on Bamboo paper. I started both paintings, not knowing what would happen, and they changed a lot from start till finished. At some point I thought, icemountains and an icecold skye showed, that gave me the title. I have painted with 3 colors + white, gold and silver. I personally like the "wild" brushstrokes, they add life to the painting, speaking of texture.
I will frame the painting behind glass. I could also mount it on a canvas, but I try this first. If I decide otherwise it is possible to change - mounting on a canvas will be permanent.
Originaler sælges
Nature shapes I + II. 30 x 30 cm akryl og tusch på lærred. Passer lige ind til et hjørne i stuen :)smile-humørikonBillederne er abstraktioner af natur-elementer og jeg har malet dem i kompositioner, som består af felter, så der både er et ensartet samlet indtryk, men også som flere små billeder i eet.
Uindrammet 700 kr + porto. Kan købes i svæveramme til 800 kr + porto
I call the drawing "Scorpio" inspired of the girl/womans braid.
I love the look of mixing graphite and watercolors - you can see it best in the close-up picture.
I did this freehand with no reference. I want the girl to be realistic, but with that twist of skewness, that drawing from imagination will provide.
Size 30x40 cm.
Woman and flowers
I have not yet decided on a title for this.
So far I have been drawing in freehand with graphite, and started adding watercolors.
So far I have been drawing in freehand with graphite, and started adding watercolors.
Even the drawings is larger, I decided to crop the drawing to this composition, having focus on her face :) Graphite and watercolors.
Even the drawings is larger, I decided to crop the drawing to this composition, having focus on her face :) Graphite and watercolors.
Nye pin-up i farver
Her kom 3 nye pin-up i farver på banen.
"Feather girl", "Babydoll" samt "Girl with red stockings".
Frihåndtegnet i tusch og farve lagt med akvarel.
De kan købes som print Her
"Feather girl", "Babydoll" samt "Girl with red stockings".
Frihåndtegnet i tusch og farve lagt med akvarel.
De kan købes som print Her
Whimsical animals
If you like Whimsical Animals, that's colorful, charming, quirky and fun animals :) smile-humørikon
take a look here:…/collection/whimsical-animals
take a look here:…/collection/whimsical-animals
As I am an illustrator/painter that cannot settle with one motif , one media or one kind of style, I have a lot of thoughts about Style. I wanted to clear my mind about it. It is obvious, as you progress, you develop your personal style, and if you stay very narrow, you will develop your style quicker. Not for me, I take the long road that winds in between many villages ;)
And this also gave me some problems, defining my roadmap - to myself and to others. It sometimes worries me, coming from classical drawing, that in some styles, it will not show, that I actually can draw like that using all the classical tools of value, perspective, proportions etc. I even felt a bit frightend to leave those tools out. I write in past tense, as I am getting better, leaving the fright behind :)
In the perspective of artshows - phew - you better stay at the same road. Of cause, you can do this even when you are like me, by only showing works in one style - IF you have enough pieces to fill the walls;)
To clear my mind about it, I had to develop a roadmap. A roadmap of Styles. This is how it looks:
If you are interested you can read about Me and my Media
På dansk Mig og mine medier
And this also gave me some problems, defining my roadmap - to myself and to others. It sometimes worries me, coming from classical drawing, that in some styles, it will not show, that I actually can draw like that using all the classical tools of value, perspective, proportions etc. I even felt a bit frightend to leave those tools out. I write in past tense, as I am getting better, leaving the fright behind :)
In the perspective of artshows - phew - you better stay at the same road. Of cause, you can do this even when you are like me, by only showing works in one style - IF you have enough pieces to fill the walls;)
To clear my mind about it, I had to develop a roadmap. A roadmap of Styles. This is how it looks:
If you are interested you can read about Me and my Media
På dansk Mig og mine medier
Pink flamingo
I mine tusch og akvarel tegninger, får jeg sluppet streger løs, der ikke passer ind i de mere realistiske tegninger, jeg også nyder at lave. Det føles befriende, og jeg har det godt med, at veksle mellem flere former for udtryk. Her min nyeste tusch/akvarel illustration "Pink flamingo".
Eng. in my ink/watercolor drawings/illustrations, I incorporate lines that does not fit into more realistic drawings, which I also enjoy to make. It feels deliberating, and I have a nice time, alternating between several expressions. This is my new ink/wc illustration "Pink flamingo".
Top selling products Doggyshop
What's people buying in my Shop ? Heres a pic showing you just that. Some items and breeds are sold in equal numbers. As I now have 39 different breeds (62 different motifs), you might find your favorite too heart-humørikon - otherwise let me know, and I might put your breed on my to-do list :)
Mountain high - Black bear
Min nyeste tegning er denne tusch/akvarel: "Mountain high - Black bear". Jeg nød igen, at tegne et miks af fantasi og mere realistisk. Jeg elsker at gå i delikate detaljer med tuschpennene og så lege med akvarelfarven. Titlen dukkede op, da tegningen var færdig :)
My newest drawing is this ink/watercolor piece: "Mountain high - Black bear".
Again I enjoyed drawing a mix of imaginative and more realistic drawn figures. I love going into delicate details with the ink-pens and then play with juicy watercolors. The title emerged as the piece was finished.
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