
 - jeg er færdig med første tegning til Stiplets påskeudstilling, her et lille udsnit. Det er en tusch/akvarel tegning til årets tema, som er Parafrase Humørikonet smile sæt allerede nu kryds i kalenderen 5. og 6. april, ikk? 


Jeg har travlt. Som vanligt skal jeg deltage i påskeudstilling med kunstgruppen Stiplet. Og som vanligt, har jeg på nuværende tid af året, endnu ikke nok at hænge op ;) Så der er gang i penne og pensler :)

Her et foto af holdet fra 2014

Bow wow

Big thanks to society6-folks for selecting my print "Golden retriever" for the shop Humørikonet smile I am delighted, and lovers of the breed, take a look to see if you fancy some of the items Humørikonet heart

Why Google +

Because you can automaticly upload all your blogposts on your Google+ profile. 
Then people can go into their Google+ profile and add you into their circles. 
Then - instead of jumping from blog to blog to see peoples updates - you can reach all your added friends from one place - and then surf the blogs further if you want to...
Better view of posts and pictures than on Facebook.

Because sometimes I get frustrated with Facebook! Some people use personal pages and some Fanpages which makes me confused - because these 2 kind of pages works differently...
I don't leave FB, because a lot is happening there. And so many participate.

But I hope Google+ and the blog-landscape will be more popular (again). I also find it less monstrously at Google+ - still lots of groups to join and people to get into cirle with ;)


Facebook Artchain

I have been invited to take part of Artchain on Facebook by my artfriend Camilla.
I will be posting 3 artworks a day for 5 days. Please look at if you wanna see it :)


This is the 12th of my artworks selected and promoted by Society6 Humørikonet smile Enjoy my Whales :)

The Milky way ..

Need milk in your coffee or tee ? Be sure not to forget it the early mornings and make other people provide it to your cup :)

AND ... it is free shipping worldwide untill february 8th when using this link: - go make your picks in the shop